Overview The National Student Auditions begin at the regional level and progress to the national preliminary round, semifinal round and final round. Coordinators of Chapter Auditions automatically advance the top three winners to the Regional Round of the National Student Auditions.
Regional Preliminary Round of NSAs -‐ YouTube Screening The Regional Rounds of the competition will begin with eligible singers from each chapter completing online registration for the auditions and submitting YouTube videos for initial judging and comments, no later than March 10th. Entry is optional. *For categoires 13 and 14 (Advanced College Classical), singers may enter the regional auditions as the preliminary round, bypassing the chapter auditions. Singers enter the regional contest by creating three to five separate videos (depending on the category requirement) of the songs they performed at the chapter auditions. It is required singers perform the same repertoire submitted at the chapter level, and to list those video links on the online entry form. There is no obligation to compete, and there is no entry fee or prizes on the regional level. All of the repertoire selections for the applicable audition category as set forth in the requirements for the National Student Auditions must be included on the YouTube videos, and the footage of the videos must not be edited. Teachers are not allowed to accompany their own students.
Each Region advances the top five singers in each category except Avocational Adult to the National Preliminary Round (i.e., five each from Lower College Men, Lower College Women, etc.). In the event of ties, all singers with top five outcomes may advance. In the Northwest Region where high school audition categories are subdivided according to the regulations, the top five singers from each eligible regional category will advance to the National Preliminary Round (i.e., five each from regional Lower High School Women, five each from regional Upper High School Women for a total of ten to compete in High School Women at the National Preliminary Round).
At the time of application for the National Student Auditions, the Regional Auditions Chair will forward the repertoire list of the qualifying singers and certify that the repertoire submitted was the same repertoire that the singer submitted at the regional level. Music Theater students who exceed the age limits for the College/Independent Studio Music Theater categories are encouraged to enter the National Music Theater Competition.
For additional information regarding the rounds and prizes , please see the National Rules or contact the NW NSA Coordinator Hsin Yi Lin.
For those regional winners who choose to participate in the level after the Northwest Regional Round, the National Video Round, there will be a $75 fee payable after the Regional Round. This is a registration fee for the national rounds of the National Student Auditions.
Adjudication Judging panels for the Northwest Regional Student Auditions will be selected by the Northwest Regional Auditions Chair from teachers who submit students to the competition. Sources for eligible adjudicators will include any techer with a singer who is competing who may be invited to judge a category in which his or her student is not competing, as well as NATS teachers with no students competing.
2017 Audition Schedule March 1st -- Chapter Auditions must be complete March 10th -- Online Application Deadline, including videos anticipated date March 30th -- Contestants will be notified about the results by this date. April 23rd -- Submission Deadline for YouTube submissions at the National Level. July 21st - National live semi-finals and finals in Boulder, CO